Postpartum Support Center partners with local cleaning companies to provide highly discounted services to help new moms to recover after giving birth. A messy house has negative effects on mental and physical health. It can leave a mom feeling anxious, stressed, or even depressed. With the support of our partners and donors, we offer cleaning certificates to new moms in need in their first months after the baby is born.
* This program is currently being suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Could the Cleanliness of a Mom’s Home Have an Effect on Her Mental Wellness?
The world seems to be undergoing a revolution in cleanliness. We often see the many social media posts showing a perfectly organized home with elegant minimalist furnishings, a charming plant or two, children’s toys perfectly stowed away, and a clear floor. In our culture, there’s a strong focus on being clean and well put-together, which transforms the way we look at our home – and our own appearance.
Beyond the external, being clean and organized is essential for practicing good mental health. Spaces that are cluttered can be distracting, impairing the brain’s ability to process information and leaving us feeling unsettled and stressed out. Due to its effects on mental well-being, having a clean space is critical for moms who are often barely holding it together, balancing a variety of tasks with little sleep and energy. While being clean and organized can sometimes be quite difficult, it pays off to try our best to maintain cleanliness, no matter what our situation. By adopting techniques and strategies that will help you be cleaner, you can feel better about yourself and your home without having any anxiety about missing items or piles of unfinished dishes or laundry.
Does a Clean Space Affect Our Psychology?
​Keeping a clean home is important not only for the sake of clarity and organization, but it’s also instrumental in aiding mental wellness. One study about the psychology of home cleanliness found that people who describe their homes as “cluttered” or teeming with “unfinished projects” were more likely to be fatigued and depressed. By comparison, people whose homes were described as “restful” and “restorative” had higher levels of happiness and mental well being.
This evidence showcases the way that messy spaces can make it difficult for moms to focus on particular tasks and achieve goals throughout the day. But by ensuring a clean home, research shows that we feel more optimistic after failure, as a tidy home can actually boost self-esteem and confidence. To some extent, the act of organization provides a physical signal to tell the brain that we have achieved success in being orderly, which will inevitably result in feelings of affirmation and peace.